Running For Jesus

Running like a “Lion”.

I witnessed our 1st and 2nd graders run in their first Cross-Country race today, and it was awesome. It was great to see them finish with smiles on their faces and celebrate with their parents, coach McCall, Mrs. Ware and our AD Mrs. Barber. It was fantastic.

One of the runners stopped as he was going by me and asked me to feel his heart, his heart was thumping with boldness and he said “I think I’m going to die.” He survived and proceeded to run an extra lap.

When our hearts are beating and pumping blood to our muscles, our lungs are processing the oxygen our bodies need to push forward, so we can finish our race. It is our race and do we apply this same desire to run towards and for Jesus? Do we run an extra lap in reading about Jesus? Are the things we are doing and sharing adding value to our friends and family that have a lasting impact for Jesus? I hope so.

Thank you 1st and 2nd graders for Running like a Lions and reminding me to run for Jesus.

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